The City recognizes that many residential homeowners who were affected by the public health emergency may have delayed certain home maintenance and repairs to their primary residence. HIAP grant funds are intended to assist homeowners to maintain their properties in safe and healthy conditions. Grant funds will not cover superficial home remodeling.
Recipients will be required to execute a grant agreement that will outline the processes for all work to be completed and how reimbursement will occur.
Household Eligibility
To be eligible for the HIAP, a household must meet the following requirements:
• Located within the City of New Carrollton’s boundaries.
• Household’s income or assets must have been directly or indirectly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, including unemployment, reduction in income, due to sickness and unable to work, incurred a significant increase in household expenses, or experiencing other financial hardship related to COVID-19.
• Located in a Qualified Census Tract or have an annual gross household income below the following amounts based upon household size:
1 Person
2 Person
3 Person
4 Person
5 Person
*Moderate income levels by household size for Prince George’s County as provided by US Treasury, Tool for Determining Low and Moderate (LMI) Households.
Eligible Uses of HIAP Funds
Grant proceeds will cover the cost of maintenance, repair, or replacement of the following:
• Roof
• Window, door, and siding
• Tuckpointing and exterior finish
• Sidewalk, stoop, and driveway
• Foundation
• Weatherization to include new insulation
• HVAC and water heater
• Electrical and plumbing
• Water supply and sanitary sewer line replacement
• Lead paint and pipe remediation
Amount of Assistance Available
The City has allocated $900,000 in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds to HIAP. While funding is available, the City may provide up to $25,000 per eligible household. Households may submit only one application for the life of the program.
Required Documentation
The applicant must complete the application and return all items detailed in the application checklist.
How to Apply
Applications, including required documents and certifications, shall be submitted online or mailed to:
City of New Carrollton
Attention: ARPA Grant Program Manager
6016 Princess Garden Parkway
New Carrollton, MD 20784
Applications and required documents may also be submitted electronically to [email protected].
Applications will be reviewed on a first-come, first-served basis while funding is available. Submission of an application does not guarantee funding under the HIAP.
Pre-Approval and Notice-to-Proceed
Recipients that are pre-approved will be directed to submit a signed copy of a Grant Agreement. Once the executed Grant Agreement is received, a Notice-to-Proceed will be issued. If building permits have not already been obtained from Prince George’s County, recipients should begin that process immediately. Please note that all work that requires a building permit from Prince George’s County must be obtained. Failure to obtain proper building permits may declare the project null-in-void and funds withheld.
HIAP Payments
Payments will be made directly to qualified contractors once final inspections have been conducted and all aspects of the Grant Agreement have been satisfied. Work may not proceed until the Notice-to-Proceed is issued.
Although this is a grant and not a loan program, a prorated share of grant funds will be required to be returned to the City if, within five (5) years of the effective date of the grant agreement, the owner sells the Property or the Property is no longer the owner’s primary residence. The Owner will be required to consent to the City placing a lien on the property for the original grant amount. The City will terminate or remove the lien when the grant balance is reduced to zero.