Special Bulky Trash Collection
- Residents living in single family dwellings may call the Public Works Department at 301.577.1008, Monday - Friday between the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. to schedule bulky trash pick up. Residents in multi - family dwellings should call their respective manager's or leasing office to their apartment/condo complex so they, in turn may notify the Public Works Department to arrange for special bulky trash pick up.
- Items that qualify for special bulky collection include white goods (washers, dryers, refrigerators, dishwashers, freezers, etc.), tires (off the rim), dried out paint (no wet paint), electronics and furniture of all types. Lumber, pipes, and metal will also be collected, provided they have been cut into four foot (4') lengths and are the result of the homeowner or occupant performing the work on the property; if any work is generated by a contractor or a second party, they are responsible for the proper disposal of all construction debris. All scheduled special bulky items must be placed on the curb Tuesday, after 5:00 p.m.
- Residents living in single-family dwellings must call the Public Works Department to schedule a special bulky trash pick-up by close of business (3:30PM) on Tuesday of the week preceding their pickup day, request made the day of bulky trash pick up will be scheduled for the next bulky pick up day.
- Placing bulky items to the curb before Tuesday after 5:00 p.m. is a violation of the city ordinance and may result in a citation from the Code Enforcement Department; if special accommodations are needed please call the Public Works Department before setting bulky items out. No items should be left on the curb over 24 hours.
- Sharp objects such as knives, exposed nails, broken glass or mirrors etc, must be placed in a well constructed box or hard plastic containers; objects with jagged edges should be visible to the collector. NEVER PLACE SHARP OBJECTS IN A PLASTIC BAG OR ANYTHING THAT CAN BE PUNCTURED. THIS IS SO ITEMS CAN BE SAFELY DISPOSED OF WITHOUT CAUSING HARM TO EMPLOYEES OR RESIDENTS.
- The Public Works Director shall determine if an item(s) can be safely collected without causing harm to personnel or property or if request is within the purview of the Public Works Department. If the Director determines that the amount of the collection is unreasonable or the item(s) to be collected are not in compliance with the city's regulation and guidelines, the individual making the request will be notified by city personnel that he/she will be:
1) billed for all labor and disposal fees
2) have their collections spread out over several weeks
3) denied collection
- Landlords will be required to pay a $500.00 fee to have the City collect the contents of a home resulting from an eviction or a set out.
- Grass bags, bushes, leaves, twigs and hedge clippings are NOT considered bulky trash. Please see "RECYCLE" under HOW DO I ?
- Illegal dumping also known as "midnight dumping" is the dumping of trash or unwanted items on property other than your own without legal permission; this includes dumping yard waste, appliances, tires, household items, recyclables, etc. If you should witness illegal dumping please call:
Police Department - 301.459.0142 / 301.352.1200 (non emergencies)
Public Works - 301.577.1008 (during business hours)
- In order to stay in compliance with the City and County's trash regulation, the following items are prohibited:
1)Pesticides / herbicides
2)Flammable liquids, Explosives, Ammunition
3)Motor oil
4)Wet Paint
5)Acid, Poisonous Chemicals
6)Dead Animals
7)Propane or Oxygen tanks
8)Infested furniture or bedding (Please call for proper disposal)
9)Bodily Fluids
The City shall NOT collect bricks, blocks, asphalt, concrete, roofing, drywall, paneling, etc., in large amounts.
Please click on "Special Bulky Trash Collection" above to view the Executive Order.