Food Vendor Application

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12:00 P.M. - 5:00 P.M.



Name of Business/Organization: 

Contact Person:

Contact Address:


Daytime Phone:

Cell Phone Number:


Please clearly describe what type of food you will sell:

Food description:


It is the responsibility of all food vendors to obtain the proper food handler permit and/or Single Day Event Special Food Service Facility Permit from the Prince George’s County Department of Permits, Inspections and Enforcement (DPIE) located at 9400 Peppercorn Place, Largo, Maryland 20774. Information on permits and fees can be found on their website at If you do not have the proper permit filed with DPIE, you will not be permitted to participate as a food vendor on Community Day.


Deadline –Friday, September 15, 2023

Please complete and submit application by Friday, September 15, 2023. Mail a copy to the City of New Carrollton, 6016 Princess Garden Parkway, New Carrollton, Maryland , 20784. Attention Community Day 2022. 


Any and all questions regarding this event please contact:

City of New Carrollton  301-459-6100

[email protected]


All vendors are responsible for their own set-up and source of electricity, if needed. Vendors must arrive no later than 8:30 a.m. and have their booth set up and ready for inspection by 10:00 a.m. on Community Day. Late arrivals may forfeit their booth space. Please note only those permitted will be allowed on the field prior to the event. Vendors will be directed to your location by a volunteer.


The City of New Carrollton has the right to approve or disapprove any application.  If for any reason your application is denied, you will be contacted immediately and your vendor fee will be refunded. The City has the right to cancel Community Day at any time and shall not be held liable for damages, claims, expenses, refund of vendor fees, or losses because of the cancellation. Vendor cancellations must be received in writing by 2:00p.m. Friday, September 22, 2023.


The applicant agrees to hold harmless and indemnify the City of New Carrollton, and its officers, employees and agents from and against any and all liability, claims, actions, causes of action, suits, demands, losses,  damages, judgements, expenses and costs, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, arising from any accident or occurrence causing injury or damage to any person or property, including any claim for injury to or the sickness or death of any person or persons (including applicant/vendor’s employees or property) relating or attributed to the City of New Carrollton’s authorization for the applicant/vendor to sell food product at the City of New Carrollton Annual Community Day.

Lost or Stolen Property

The vendor agrees to assume all responsibility for vendor items and materials brought to the event. The City of New Carrollton shall not be responsible for theft or loss of property. At no time should the vendor’s booth or items be left unattended.

Photographs and video 
Photographs and/ or video may be taken b) City representatives at the event. By signing below you consent to being photographed and grant full rights to the City to use those images resulting from 
the photography /video filming in printed and online sites, social media and press releases for 
publicity or any other purpose the City deems appropriate. 
Please sign below to indicate th:it you have read and agree with the rules and rcgulallons set forth in this Applicallon.

VENDOR NAME (business name):








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