Welcome to New Carrollton! We are excited to share all that New Carrollton has to offer to new businesses and developers seeking relocation and redevelopment opportunities in Prince George’s County.
New Carrollton is…affordable, dynamic and diverse, boasting a high quality of life for those looking for great places to live, work and shop. New Carrollton has a resident population of 12,000 that grows to nearly 30,000 during the day. Major employers include the Federal Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD).
New Carrollton is …connected, boasting easy access to the Metrorail Orange Line, the MARC Penn Line, Amtrak, and extensive bus network and the future Purple LineLight Rail destination. New Carrollton is the transportation hub of the east coast, with regular service to destinations across the DC Metro region and beyond. And for those who prefer to drive, New Carrollton’s central offers opportunities to hop on and off the Beltway with ease.
New Carrollton is…revitalizing into the next great walkable community in the Washington, DC region. New Carrollton boasts outstanding parks, great neighborhoods and a low crime rate. A revitalizing commercial district located within walking distance of Metro puts New Carrollton on the map as a premier urban center, regional destination and gateway to Prince George’s County.
New Carrollton is …the new Prince George’s County. Diverse. Urban. Connected.