The City of New Carrollton began its own recycling program on July 1, 1996.  Curbside recycling is picked up once a week on Thursday and Friday coinciding with trash pickup. All blue/yellow bins should be placed on the curb after 5:00 p.m. the day prior to collection or before 7:00 a.m the day off.  

Blue and yellow recycling bins are provided for all New Carrollton residents and can be requested by calling the the Public Works Department at (301) 5771008. These bins will hold mixed recycle, so there is no need to separate recyclables.

Acceptable items for the blue/yellow bins only include:

  • Unbroken glass  
  • Empty aerosol cans
  • Aluminum/foil, ferrous and steel food and beverage containers
  • Coat hangers (metal and plastic)
  • Paper, magazines, newspaper, books, catalogs
  • Boxes (broken down)
  • Paper bags (NO PLASTIC)
  • Frozen food packages
  • Plastic drinking cups
  • Plastic flower pots
  • Laundry detergent bottles
  • Plastic food containers (Mayonnaise, peanut butter, sour cream, butter etc)
  • Any narrow neck plastic containers with resin identification number 1 thru 7

*Please rinse all food and beverage containers out with tap water before recycling; do not crush any metal containers  
Unacceptable items for the blue/yellow bins only include:

  • Auto parts
  • Broken glass
  • Dishes
  • Electronics
  • Hazardous materials
  • Medical waste
  • Mirrors
  • Motor oil containers
  • Packing foam, Styrofoam, or peanuts
  • Light bulbs
  • Windowpanes
  • Plastic bags (#4): Effective July 1, 2015, plastic bags of any color, size or shape, and plastic film are no longer accepted in the New Carrollton's Curbside Recycling Program.
      • Grocery, retail or trash bags
      • Bread bags
      • Crinkle bags for cereal, pasta, or snacks
      • Dry Cleaning bags
      • Fruit and vegetable bags
      • Garden product bags for mulch ans soil
      • Newspaper bags
      • Outer wrap from cases of soda, juice or snacks
      • Outer wrap from meat or cheese products
      • Outer wrap from paper towels, napkins, or diaper packages

*We encourage you to recycle your clean and dry plastic bags at most grocery stores and other retailers instead of placing it in your recycling bin or cart. Recycling bins SHOULD NOT be used for household garbage. 


Since recycling is picked up once per week, the city has placed two paper bins throughout the city for the convenience of recycling paper products any day of the week. These locked paper bins are located in the parking lot of 8511 Legation Road, the Andrew C. Hanko Building.

Acceptable items for the green paper bins located at 8511 Legation Road: 

  • Booklets
  • Boxed office records & files
  • Bulletins
  • Business cards
  • Office & school papers
  • Computer forms & print outs
  • Drawing paper
  • Envelopes (plain & window)
  • File folders
  • Glossy paper
  • Mail
  • Hard & soft back books
  • Lined paper
  • Non carbon forms
  • Photocopy paper
  • Reports
  • Shredded paper
  • Stamps
  • Fax paper
  • Typing paper
  • Magazine
  • Newspaper

*Paper clips & staples are okay


  • Bagged grass, leaves, and small shrubs will be collected every Monday and Tuesday, the first refuse collection day of the week  (i.e. If your collection days are Monday and Thursday, leaf bags will be picked up on Mondays, if your collection days are Tuesday and Friday, leaf bags will be picked up on Tuesdays). Residents must use paper bags for yard waste as per the Prince George's County Regulations. The use of any type of plastic bag will result in the yard waste being disposed of as trash. Bagged grass and leaves should be placed by the trash cans and not in trash containers unless the container is clearly marked "YARD WASTE". Bagged grass or leaves should not be placed at the curb for collection or mixed with garbage.

  • The City shall NOT collect stumps regardless of how the are cut- up. Limbs/ Branches shall be cut into manageable sections (no bigger than 5 inches in diameter or longer than 4 feet in length and under 50 pounds) tied or bundled with string (no wire) and placed by your trash can. If limbs/branches are bigger than 5 inches and longer than 4 feet, the resident will call Public Works, so that the department can determine if and how limbs/branches can be disposed of. Tree trunks over 10 inches in diameter will not be picked up.

  • Loose leaves will be vacuum collected at the curb through a City-wide program each fall, and recycled through a Prince George’s County’s composting facility. Leaves must be raked to the curb,  easily accessible and should not be blocked by vehicles, motorcycles, bulk pickups etc. The annual leaf curbside vacuum collection will begin early November and ending late December, weather permitting. A  schedule for the annual leaf curbside vacuum collection can be found in the City's November/December newsletter. Residents are to review this schedule and rake their leaves to the curb prior to collection. Once all four sections of the city has been completed a second round will occur, weather permitting.  Residents that prefer to bag their leaves for recycling may still do so for pick up on Monday or Tuesday. For more information, residents may call the Public Works Department at (301) 577-1008. 


  • Used oil and antifreeze shall be recycled by pouring them into their respective tanks at the City’s Department of Public Works. The used oil and antifreeze recycling tanks are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Used motor oil cannot be recycled with household refuse.
  • Used tires can be recycled; residents should call for a bulk pickup. Residents are required to remove the tires from the rim before recycling.







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